Tuesday, 21 February 2012

My Glossy Box For Feb

So like many bloggers I signed up to GLOSSY BOX and as this is my first blog I thought I would also start sharing mine. I will review the products and let you know, would be nice to hear off others too.

        As always it was so neatly wrapped I didnt want to ruin it.....but im a beauty junkie so obviously I did

The first product was a BECCA watermelon beach tint, this is a multi purpose lip and cheek tint. I am a fan of lip tints but have never tried a cheek tint as it doesnt sound appealing to someone like me who battles with oily skin on a daily basis. But as its a natural day time colour this may be the perfect solution to the age old lipstick on the teeth which I get regularly.

Second was a DR BRONNER Lavender hand sanitiser. Now I get the purpose of a hand sanitiser and the germ facts, but the problem is im normally too busy/lazy that I forget to use it. I have a friend who uses hers so much she must have the cleanist hands in the world she gets through loads, but for me the gel formula and chemical smells dont appeal. So I was pleasantly suprised to see a Lavender scented spray so maybe even I will be converted!

The third product was AWAPUHI by PAUL MITCHELL, its a wild ginger treatment oil for your hair. This couldnt have come at a better time as I used a 'colourb4' on my hair over the weekend and the ends of my hair are very dry. Im not a fan of oil based products as with oily skin you dont need anymore but due to the worzel gummidge effect I have going on il be using this asap!

Fourth product is a BM BEAUTY pure mineral eyeshadow in Noir. Now if im honest I dont have a pair of fluttering bright eyes they are more like belt holes, so black eye shadow is my nemesis I normally stick to light reflecting colours. Il try it for the quality and il post to show the results but im pretty sure it will be a lost cause on my tiny eyes.

The last product is a COMO SHAMBHALA invigorate shower gel. Again im more of a simple soap gal but as I am venturing out of brum to Cambridge for the weekend im going to take this minature with me and see if I can be won round. Im not sure I buy into invigorating shower products normally in the mornings no amount of lemon and ginseng gets you in the mood for work. But hey who knows I may be wrong and be doing cartwheels through Cambridge all weekend.

                       Il give these a go over the next couple of weeks and see what its all about!


  1. I have not subscribed to a box yet! still deciding what to go for

    I like the sound of the mineral eyeshadow


  2. I think im going to sign up to glossy box too, im getting jealous of seeing all these lovely goodies on everyones blogs!
    The paul mitchell hair stuff sounds exactly what i need at the moment too.

  3. You guys should try it out this is my first box and I was really impressed with the quality. Im going to review some of the products tomorrow il post pics of both the eyeshadow and Paul Mitchell oil and let you know!


I love reading your thoughts and advice so please feel free to comment. None go unnoticed and are very much appreciated!.....