Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Charity Shop Chintz

How cute is this 3 piece mini set I picked up in a charity shop yesterday! I cant walk past a charity shop without buying something I dont need, this set cost me a whole £2.50 (I know big spender). I saw something similar in a department store but it certainly wasnt a bargain price. Im no horder but I do love this old vintage style and have collected many useless pieces over the years that I love. Anyone else out there who loves a bit of charity shop chintz?


  1. This is so cute! <3 I really need to start going to charity shops more often, I just don't have the eye for them! x

    1. Thanks! Most people try antique shops but they are so over priced you should definately keep looking I have to go to a few before I find something! x


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